Foundations - Life Stories That Amaze & Inspire. Written by Sarah Juggins & Illustrated by Patrick Latham (2022 Edition).

Foundations - Life Stories That Amaze & Inspire. Written by Sarah Juggins & Illustrated by Patrick Latham (2022 Edition).


FOUNDATIONS - Life Journeys that Amaze and Inspire by Sarah Juggins & Patrick Latham for The Mintridge Foundation

Positive sporting role models from high level sport recount their inspirational life journeys through sport. Aimed at the younger audience (8-18 yrs), the book is a collection of illustrated interviews with the Mintridge athletes from various sports and each outlines career success, failure, disappointment, injury, recovery, and moments of ecstasy.

Each of the ambassadors has contributed to this book in a one-to-one interview with the author.

The Mintridge Foundation aims to inspire young people to adopt a positive and healthy lifestyle, helping individuals find worth and confidence in themselves, promoting positive mental health and coping strategies which support the National Curriculum.

Sarah Juggins is an author, sports journalist, freelance writer and content writer.

Amongst Sarah’s triumphs is, ‘History Makers’, the 2018 Sports Book award winning illustrated account of the GB hockey women’s gold medal success in Rio in the 2016 Olympics.

Sarah writes for The International Hockey Federation, the Pan American Hockey Federation, Planet Hockey magazine, Hockey World News and a host of other publications and websites.

Patrick Latham is an Illustrator, Cartoonist & Graphic Designer, particularly focussing in the cricketing world. Patrick also writes entertaining, thought provoking & inspiring cricket publications.

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