Elite Hockey and Cricket Mintridge Ambassadors, Join Fulham FC Academy Players For An Athlete Development Presentation And Q&A Evening


Team Mintridge had the pleasure of joining the Fulham FC Academy team, for a live presentation and Q&A programme, where we were delighted to virtually meet the U12, U13, U14 and U15 Academy players, with two of our inspirational role models. The players were joined by the very experienced Olympic gold medallist and GB hockey player Shona McCallin MBE, and Middlesex cricketer Stevie Eskinazi for two evenings of inspiration.

Throughout their presentations, both Shona and Stevie spoke about their journey to elite success and the highs and lows that come with making it to the top of your game. Shona and Stevie have both had very different pathways into elite sport but could draw out some common themes from their journeys, that were very relatable for the players at this stage in their football career.

Shona highlighted some of the pivotal moments in her hockey career that really shaped the way she performed, not only on the lead up to the Olympic Games but also something that contributed to her overall success. These times were not all highs, as it was the lows throughout her life that have also made the most impact and how she reflected and learnt from those moments, to be where she is today. The players at Fulham FC, could relate to Shona’s journey, when she spoke about not being selected for the GB squad and the impact this had on her falling out of love with the sport. This was an important lesson to the Fulham Academy players, as it highlighted the point that there will be times in their football career where they do not get selected or they have not yet made it to where they want to be, so they need to constantly do their best and push themselves, and remind themselves why they are doing what they are doing. Shona shared some top tips with the players at this point about how to be resilient and the small things you can change in your mindset and attitude, that can help them during these times. Shona’s stories of self-reflection, leaning on your support network and how to cope in difficult situations or in high pressure scenarios, helped the players to understand how this level of self-reflection can really benefit you on and off the pitch, and makes you motivated to push yourself even further.

Linking nicely on from Shona’s presentation, Stevie also spoke about his journey to elite success and the sacrifices he has had to make throughout his career, including missing important social events, major family events and moments that he would not be able to get back. This was extremely poignant for the Fulham FC Academy players, who although still at this early stage in their football career, are already having to choose football and commit to the training time on and off the pitch, rather than spending time with their friends. For Stevie, moving to England meant that he left family and friends behind in Australia, but his drive and determination paid off, and is something he really wanted the players to realise could happen for them too. It was so great for the Academy players to hear Stevie talk about these sacrifices and what the hard work and goal setting can lead to, even when there is doubt and uncertainty. Stevie’s tips and advice at this point on having a positive mindset, really helped the players to understand more about how they control certain factors when playing. Stevie spent some time talking to the players about the psychological aspects he believed were incredibly important on his journey and how this has helped him on his way to be a better athlete, such as how confidence, focus and patience can enhance your performance, if you can learn to focus on what is important in your own game. Shona and Stevie both talked to the players about the importance of working on the 1%ers and how that could be the reason you are successful over someone else.

“It’s all about pushing yourself that little further, doing that extra thing that will make you better than everyone else in the crucial moments!”

Learning about different individual journeys in sport, can really help young athletes, especially when they can talk to athletes who have also been on similar journeys to them. By listening to elite role models, these younger academy players, can learn so much from them and their journeys as well as the lessons they have learnt along the way, so these players can make changes earlier on in their own training and playing careers. As Shona said…

“Just because I played for England U16s, did not mean that I had made it!...Being around like-minded individuals, part of a like-minded team, doing what you love, making you the best person you can be is what makes it work!”

The Academy players at Fulham FC, were incredibly engaged throughout the whole presentation with Stevie and Shona and asked some fantastic questions towards the end. Some of these questions included:

“What was the biggest sacrifice you had to make?”

“Who did you look up to?”

“Shona, do you regret switching to hockey and not taking football further?”

“What was the hardest challenge you faced throughout your career?”

“What are your thoughts on nutrition and performance and what changes have you made to be a better athlete?”

“You both mentioned your support networks, what do they look like at the moment as professional athletes? and what do you do to seek support you when you need it?” 

“What was it like winning a gold medal at the Olympics?”

“You both play in team sports and you both said you loved being part of a team. How do you deal with difficult ideas or players in your team?”

“How do you prepare for big games and competitions?”

“How much did watching your games back help you improve?” 

“How much have you psychoanalysed your performances?”

“What do you do when people are doubting you?” 

“If you were to look at this journey again, what would you do differently?”

“How did you train during lockdown?” 

“Has the profile in women’s sport changed whilst you have been involved and has it improved?”

“What would you tell your 16 year old self if you could go back and talk to them now?” 

“What was the hardest thing about committing to be a full-time athlete?” 

“How did you balance intense training and your studies at university?” 

“How many injuries have you had?” 

We really enjoyed virtually visiting the staff and players at Fulham FC for these inspirational presentations!

Thank you to the staff, coaches, and players at Fulham Football Club, for allowing us to visit you virtually. We hope that we inspired your players with our amazing inspirational role models, and we wish all the players luck on their own journeys in the future.


The Mintridge Foundation is a registered charity dedicated to enhancing life skills in young people through sport. We provide a support network for young people by harnessing the power of positive sporting role models. The Mintridge Foundation assists young people of all ages, abilities, and physical capabilities to develop confidence and resilience, and creates awareness of the importance of mental and physical wellbeing through sport.

Our team of Ambassadors - Olympians, Paralympians and other professional sports stars from over 20 sports, both team and individual - work with young people in schools, clubs and academies across the UK. Starting with visits including assemblies, coaching clinics and classroom sessions tailored to each organisation’s requirements, our ambassadors can then provide one- on- one remote mentoring in a safeguarded environment, delivered via technology such as FitSwarm and Playwaze to build a lasting legacy for individuals.

The Mintridge Foundation’s successes demonstrate the incredible power of sport; from a mentee’s selection to represent Great Britain in their chosen field to enabling disabled children to find confidence and happiness just through participation. Understanding life after sport, we also support our Ambassadors in their transition from active sport to the next stage of their careers.

To find out more about the Mintridge Foundation, please contact Alex Wallace.

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Fulham Football Club Academy - Athlete Development Programme

To find out more about our presentation and Q&A programmes with our Olympians, Paralympians and professional sports stars, contact Katie on katie@mintridge.org.uk