The Mintridge Foundation

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#FEELGOODFRIDAY - 7 friends, 7 days, 1 marathon

#FEELGOODFRIDAY - 7 friends, 7 days, 1 marathon

Well done team! We’ve nearly made it through another week of lockdown.  How’s everyone doing? If you’re like us, you’ve probably had a few ups and downs. In fact, we have never been more grateful for our amazing Mintridge community.

At the end of last week, we launched our #771 challenge. 7 friends, 7 days, one marathon. As you will be aware, many funding events have been cancelled and so many of our community fundraisers have been unable to complete their 5Ks half marathons and marathons to raise money to allow us to continue supporting young people through sport. 771 was an opportunity for them to put their training to use and for you to get involved and raise some money too.

We couldn’t have ever imagined what a positive event it would become, all thanks to you guys.

The event has become more than just a fundraising event and we have been overwhelmed by the positive messages we have received from those taking part.

“In this incredibly difficult time, it is important to have focus and purpose while sharing something with teammates, colleagues and friends that we are missing. I have been very worried about how we can continue to support our mentees through this pandemic but seeing the community spirit, the joy and the funding support that we have gathered in just over a week, there is nothing but optimism at Mintridge HQ. Let’s see what week 2 has to offer and the happiness that this challenge is bringing everyone…”

Alex Wallace- Founder of The Mintridge Foundation

Businesses and team mates who went from working or training together daily to working and training alone have found the 771 challenge to be way a way to unite, stay connected and stay accountable, albeit separately. Team Squadkit completed two marathons between them in only the first two days. You can follow their challenge here. TeamHerts, a joint effort between Herts Mercury and Essex Live, have been cheering each other on virtually and have quickly been covering the miles. Team Sportspiel have just kicked off their challenge with a strong 4 miles under their belt already.

Our ambassadors are getting in on the challenge too and they may be getting a little bit competitive! Team Grit, founded by the amazing Marilyn Okoro have clocked up 98 miles at the time of writing. Her all-star team includes Eboni Usoro-Brown who is helping to spread the word too! Team Epic, are aiming to hit 3 marathons within 7 days. We did explain to our ambassadors that there were no medals involved… but you know what they’re like. We did explain to our ambassadors that there were no medals involved… but you know what they’re like.Olivia Rae’s strategy involved using Crème Eggs as incentives instead for her fantastic team from Middlesex. Stevie Eskinazi has taken the challenge down-under with our fantastic Patrick Latham’s team and they are definitely racing to the finish line!

We have also been so proud to see the positive impact this has had on some young people. The impact of the coronavirus epidemic has been widely documented, with anxiety being prevalent and young people missing the social aspect of school and the team sports that they take part in, both in school and out of school. One of our Mintridge team has been telling us about his son, who has created a team with his school friends to give them team support at a difficult time.

Sarah Juggins, the award winning author of The History Makers, Under An Orange Sky and the exciting Mintridge project that will be released very soon, decided that she didn’t need to share the load and that a marathon over 7 days wasn’t enough of a challenge. Therefore, she decided to cover a marathon a day on her bike in her house. Follow her incredible efforts on Twitter.

“I’ve had a bit of a life realisation in this crazy COVID world and the 771 challenge has helped me so much. Its reignited some of the drive for me that life had just buried. Thanks to 771 I’ve run/cycled about 20 miles since the weekend and I feel amazing”

One of our incredible trustees

Of course, our Mintridge family are getting involved too and it isn’t all about which team completes the most miles. Griff and Sophie Hardy are using it as a way to get back into training for the Royal Parks Half and Katie Smith isn’t letting an injured Achilles Heel get in her way, as she is using her trusty scooter to cover the miles for her team.

Of course, its not too late to take part. All you need to do is name your squad, get them to donate here and then walk, run, job, bike or scoot you 1/7th of a marathon (3.72 miles or 5.99km). Please don’t forget to share your squads and your sweaty selfies with us. We LOVE seeing your amazing achievements.

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